Unerklärliche Phänomene – Ancient Aliens

Di, 11.03.2025 | 15:50 - 16:40
Außerirdische (USA 2019)
Falls außerirdische Kreaturen die Erde schon seit Anbeginn unserer Zeitrechnung besuchen, welchen Einfluss haben sie auf den Verlauf unserer Geschichte, auf die Geographie der Erde und die Evolution der Menschheit? Die Doku-Reihe versucht, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden – anhand wissenschaftlicher Expertisen und intensiver Feldforschung.
- Jonathan Young (Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives)
- Kirsten Fisher (Self - Associate Professor of Biology, Cal State Los Angeles)
- John Rhodes (Self - Founder, Reptoid Research Center)
- Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (Self - Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine)
- William Henry (Investigative Mythologist / Self - Author)
- Michael Salla (Self - Founder, Exopolitics Institute)
- David Childress (Self - Author: Ancient Technology in Peru and Bolivia)
- Hugh Newman (Himself)
- Jorge Luis Delgado Mamani (Self - Andean Guide and Author, Andean Awakening)
- Ariel Bar Tzadok (Self - Founder, KosherTorah School)
- Dominic Steavu (Himself - Associate Professor of Religious Studies UCSB)
- Linda Moulton Howe (Self - Investigative Journalist, Earthfiles)
- Caroline Cory (Self - Author, The Visible and Invisible Worlds)
- Jason Martell (Self - Author, Knowledge Apocalypse)
- Charmaine D'Rozario-Saytch (Self - Reptilian-Human Hybrid)
- Gilles Laurent (Self - Reptile Neuroscientist)
- Paul Maclean (Self - Neurobiologist)
- Carl Sagan (Self)
- Phil Schneider (Self - Dulce Witness)
- Leonard Woolley (Self - Archaeologist)
- Robert Clotworthy (Narrator)
- FSK 12
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