Das Unerklärliche mit William Shatner
Der Ursprung des Genies

Mi, 05.03.2025 | 02:15 - 02:55
Wissenschaft (USA 2022)
Berichte über UFO-Sichtungen; Menschen, die urplötzlich verschwinden; Seelen, von denen das Böse Besitz ergreift: Moderator William Shatner geht gemeinsam mit einem Team aus renommierten Wissenschaftlern den mysteriösesten und bizarrsten Ereignissen auf den Grund.
- Kashe Quest (Self - Child Prodigy)
- Sukhjit Athwal (Self - Kashe's Mother)
- Darrin McMahon (Self - Author, Divine Fury: A History of Genius)
- Ramani Durvasula (Self - Clinical Psychologist)
- Dean Keith Simonton (Self - Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of California, Davis)
- Lis Wiehl (Self - Author, Hunting the Unabomber)
- Joel Moss (Self - FBI Supervisory Special Agent, Unabomb Task Force)
- Kathleen Puckett (Self - FBI Special Agent (1978-2001))
- Chip Walton (Self - Wright Brothers National Memorial)
- Shilo Brooks (Self - Director, Engineering Leadership Program, University of Colorado)
- Darrell Collins (Self - Historian, Wright Brothers National Memorial (1978-2017))
- Jeremy Chapman (Self - Psychiatrist, Treffert Center)
- Tony DeBlois (Self - Musical Savant)
- Ben Wilson (Self - Calendar Savant)
- Heather Berlin (Self - Neuroscientist)
- Jason Padgett (Self - Author, Struck by Genius)
- Michio Kaku (Self - Physicist, CUNY)
- Luis Alvarez (Self - 1968 Nobel Prize in Physics Winner)
- Derek Amato (Self - Acquired Musical Savant)
- Viswanathan Anand (Self - Chess Grandmaster)
- Aristotle (Self)
- Alexander Graham Bell (Self)
- Alfred Binet (Self - French Psychologist)
- George Washington Carver (Self - Agricultural Scientist)
- Leonardo Da Vinci (Self)
- Walt Disney (Self)
- Thomas A. Edison (Self)
- Albert Einstein (Self)
- Bobby Fischer (Self - Chess Grandmaster)
- Henry Ford (Self - Automotive Industrialist)
- FSK 12